

As screens become more and more important for electronic products, more companies are gradually increasing their investment in display screens field. Currently, there are three most promising screen technologies and they are PMOLED, OLED, and AMOLED. Taking mobile phones as an example, the current mainstream display device for mobile phones is the LCD panel, but the new AMOLED technology has been used in many high-end mobile phones. Many industry insiders believe that it will become the mainstream of mobile phone screens in the next few years. What are the characteristics of OLED, the connection and difference between PMOLED and AMOLED, and what are their advantages?

Two major technical branches of OLED: PMOLED and AMOLED


1. Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) is also known as organic electroluminescence display and organic light-emitting semiconductor (OLED). It is a different type of light-emitting principle from liquid crystal display (LCD). OLED was discovered by Chinese-American professor Ching W. Tang in the laboratory in 1983, which led to the research on OLED. OLED display technology has the advantages of self-luminescence, wide viewing angle, almost infinitely high contrast, low power consumption, and extremely high response speed. The main advantage of OLED screens is the high controllability of pixels. Each pixel can be switched independently, thereby achieving purer black and higher contrast. In addition, turning off unnecessary pixels when displaying the picture can also reduce power consumption. At the same time, due to the fewer layers inside the screen module, the light transmittance is also better, which is conducive to achieving higher brightness and wider viewing angles.

2. OLED is an organic light-emitting diode. Its luminous material is an organic luminous material, which is relative to LED light-emitting diodes. As long as the correct voltage is applied to the positive and negative poles of OLED, it will emit light, just like a light bulb. When a signal is applied to it, it will work.

3. The characteristics of OLED display are self-luminescence, high contrast, low power consumption, light weight, thin thickness, etc. It is called the next generation display technology. According to the driving method, OLED can be divided into two types: active drive (AMOLED) and passive drive (PMOLED).


AMOLED (Active Matrix/Organic Light EmitTIng Diode) is an active matrix organic light emitting diode panel. Compared with traditional LCD panels, AMOLED has the characteristics of faster response speed, higher contrast, and wider viewing angle.

The O in AMOLED stands for Organic, which means "organic". Simply put, a series of organic thin film materials are used between the positive and negative electrodes to achieve the purpose of luminescence.

AM stands for Active Matrix, which is relative to Passive Matrix and refers to the driving method of each OLED pixel. In Passive Matrix, the control of each pixel is achieved through a complex electrode network to achieve the charging and discharging of a certain pixel. In general, the control method of Passive Matrix is relatively slow and the control accuracy is slightly lower. Unlike Passive Matrix, Active Matrix adds TFT and capacitor layers to each LED, so that when a certain row or column is powered on to activate the intersecting pixel, the capacitor layer in the pixel can remain charged between two refreshes, thereby achieving faster and more accurate pixel light control.

Each pixel of AMOLED is equipped with a TFT (thin film transistor) with a switch, and its driving method makes it easier to achieve high brightness, high resolution, high color performance and low energy consumption. This type of panel is widely used in consumer electronic products; PMOLED has a simple structure and easy process, which can effectively reduce manufacturing costs and has an extremely fast response speed. It has great development potential in displaying simple micro devices. PMOLED will have problems of high power consumption and reduced lifespan, and the product size is limited to about 5 inches.


PMOLED and AMLED belongs to the OLED, the difference is the driving method. PMOLED is also called passive matrix organic electroluminescent diode. The light-emitting principle of PMOLED and STN LCD is similar, while AMOLED is also called active organic electroluminescent diode. AMOLED is just like TFT LCD.

PMOLED simply forms a matrix with cathode and anode, and lights up the pixels in the array in a scanning manner. Each pixel is operated in a short pulse mode, which is instantaneous high-brightness light. The advantage is that the structure is simple and can effectively reduce the manufacturing cost. However, the high driving voltage makes PMOLED unsuitable for large-size and high-resolution panels, which is inconsistent with the current development.

AMOLED uses independent thin-film transistors to control each pixel. Each pixel can be driven to emit light continuously and independently. It can be driven by low-temperature polysilicon or oxide TFT. The advantage is low driving voltage and long life of light-emitting elements. However, the high cost and more complicated manufacturing process make it more difficult to control the cost.

PMOLED is not suitable for displaying dynamic images because the reaction speed is relatively slow, but it is very energy-saving; AMOLED is characterized by fast reaction speed and can be used for large-size TV panels. The disadvantage is high power consumption.


Although LED is also common in daily life, in the screen, the size of each LED is very small, and it is divided into three sub-pixel groups of red, green and blue, and then different colors are formed. The arrangement of sub-pixels will also affect the overall display effect. The O in AMOLED stands for Organic, which means "organic". Simply put, a series of organic thin film materials are used between the positive and negative electrodes to achieve the purpose of luminescence. AM stands for Active Matrix, which is relative to Passive Matrix and refers to the driving method of each OLED pixel.

In Passive Matrix, the control of each pixel is achieved through a complex electrode network to achieve the charging and discharging of a certain pixel. In general, the control method of Passive Matrix is relatively slow and the control accuracy is slightly lower. Unlike Passive Matrix, Active Matrix adds TFT and capacitor layers to each LED, so that when a row or column is powered on to activate the intersecting pixel, the capacitor layer in the pixel can remain charged between two refreshes, thereby achieving faster and more accurate pixel luminescence control.

OLED, also known as organic electro-laser display and organic light-emitting semiconductor, is a different type of light-emitting principle from liquid crystal display. The main advantage of OLED screens lies in the high controllability of pixels. Each pixel can be switched on and off independently, thus achieving purer black and higher contrast. In addition, turning off unnecessary pixels when displaying images can also reduce power consumption; since the screen module has fewer layers inside, the light transmittance is also better, which is conducive to achieving higher brightness and wider viewing angles.

OLED screens can be made very thin, which is very suitable for mobile devices such as mobile phones. Due to the lack of a hard backlight layer and the maturity of flexible plastic substrates, OLED also has great advantages on flexible screens, creating more possibilities for the form of future mobile devices and even wearable devices.

AMOLED belongs to OLED, but the reverse is not true. Simply put, OLED technology includes PMOLED and AMOLED. PMOLED does not require a TFT backplane, but the size cannot be made very large; AMOLED can be made very large. PMOLED mainly exists in early dual-screen mobile phones and is used for small external screens. Currently, mobile TVs all use AMOLED technology.

AMOLED is an active organic light-emitting diode. It not only needs to add a signal to work, but also needs an additional point source to make the diode reach the working state. At this time, it will light up or turn off when a signal of light or dark is given. To make an inappropriate analogy, it works like a TV. You connect a wired signal to it, but you can't watch it. You can only watch it when you give it electricity. But if you only give it electricity and no wired signal, there will be no program to watch.

From a structural point of view, OLED is basically a diode, and AMOLED is a triode or multiple triodes that drive a light point together.


PMOLED stands for Passive Matrix OLED, and it has to do with the way you control (or drive) the display. PMOLED display is a simple control scheme in which you control each row in the display in turn. PMOLED electronics do not contain storage capacitors, so the pixels in each row are off most of the time. To compensate for this, you need to use more voltage to make them brighter.

The advantages of PMOLED are simpler processes and simpler structures. The disadvantages are that it is difficult to scale up. In order to maintain the brightness of the entire panel, the brightness of each pixel needs to be increased, which increases the operating current, which will reduce the life of the OLED device, and the current drive control is not easy.

Difficulties AMOLED faces on its road to popularization

Compared with PMOLED, AMOLED has more obvious advantages, so it is more practical and popularized faster. It has developed into the mainstream OLED technology. It inherits the energy-saving, ultra-thin and flexible characteristics of OLED materials, but it is not mature at present.

The problems in the industrialization of AMOLED include three aspects. Since the life of blue OLED luminous materials has not been solved, the overall life of the display screen has been affected. There are also many problems with the screen color. The cost disadvantage is also the difficulty currently faced.

The reasons why AMOLED is complained by users include that the color restoration is not as good as that of IPS screens, the graphics presented on the screen are rich and gorgeous, too full, and the color performance is completely vulgar, etc. Despite this, people are still optimistic about this technology.

Both OLED and AMOLED are called the next generation of the most popular display technology. Samsung Electronics, Samsung SDI, LG and Philips attach great importance to this new display technology. Domestic companies such as Tianma Microelectronics, BOE, Visionox, Huaxing Optoelectronics, Hongshi, etc. are also actively deploying. The prospects are very broad. With the participation of domestic companies, China's "lack of chips and screens" situation may change.



Contact: David

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