
AR/VR in Military Application

Until recently, many companies who specialize in AR/VR are still focusing more on the enterprise application market, which is a niche field. It takes a lot of time and effort to apply it to each field to create a good solution. Whether in domestic and overseas, the combination of AR(Augmented reality )and VR (virtual reality) in the military is one of the most concerned areas. Take the IAVS project in cooperation between Microsoft and the US Department of Defense as an example. It is based on HoloLens 2. At the same time, there are a large number of military integration cases including Magic Leap, Oculus, etc. Military commentators also mentioned that electronic technologies or electronic products including iPad, VR, AR are extremely important to the military field, and gave an example: the US Army must be required to play the "Call of Duty" game first. Next, this article summarizes the AR/VR projects or cases in the military field.

US Army IVAS Project

Participants: Microsoft, US Army

Features: Based on Microsoft HoloLens 2, 100,000 units ultra-large scale

The reason why this project has attracted much attention is that it is a strong alliance between technology giants and the US Department of Defense, aim to create an AR system for combat and we learned that the IVAS project is based on the improvement of Microsoft HoloLens 2 headset. At the end of last year, as reported on the latest IVAS code-named Capability Set 2. Foreign media reported that its field of view is about 80 degrees, with built-in military night vision goggles, thermal sensors and other common sensors in military equipment, which can be used for simulation training, auxiliary combat and other purposes.

In terms of specific uses, IVAS can display the enemy's position (night vision), including important landmarks in the building. In virtual combat, you can fully feel the shooting of both sides, various commands, explosions, enemy cries, etc., and the simulation effect is realistic. It is reported that the Capability Set 3 version will be tested this summer. This will be a more rugged all-in-one device that supports all-weather wear. At present, IVAS is progressing smoothly. The US Army plans to deploy the official version of IVAS headsets by the end of 2021, with a scale of 100,000 units. This will be the most noteworthy move in the AR and VR+ military field.

US Navy AR training system

Participants: Magic Leap, US Navy

Features: Assisted combat

According to foreign media reports, Magic Leap also participated in the IVAS bid, but was not selected in the end. However, Magic Leap has also explored the military field. They have cooperated with the US Navy, Dahlgren Navy, US Army, etc. to create a soldier training system based on Magic Leap One. The project is part of the US military's TRACER project and has been tested at a Navy Security Forces Center in North Carolina, USA.

As learned that in the TRACER project, naval soldiers will conduct AR simulation training in a large enough space, using a customized Magic Leap One headset and a Haptech somatosensory weapon system with recoil simulation function. Soldiers also need to wear a backpack PC to replace the small computing module officially equipped with Magic Leap One. The training content is developed by Magic Leap Horizons (a subsidiary of Magic Leap), providing soldiers with scenarios such as dealing with gunmen and catching criminals. At the same time, the commander will also issue orders through the AR headset. When the prisoners simulated in AR surrender, the soldiers' training tasks are completed.

Dr. Patrick Mead, head of the TRACER project, said: Our training system is mainly based on products available on the market. Using accurate weapon and motion tracking, as well as immersive visual simulation environment, spatial audio and somatosensory feedback, TRACER can provide soldiers with low-cost, time-saving dynamic training content.

UK Ministry of Defense VR training system

Participants: SimCentric, UK Ministry of Defense

Features: Simulate virtual combat scenarios based on game engines

The UK Ministry of Defense is also testing soldier simulation training through AR Augmented reality (AR)/Virtual reality( VR).As learned that they have completed preliminary trials in the Parachute Regiment and Infantry Training Center, and will expand to the Army, Royal Air Force and Royal Navy in the future. It is reported that the VR training system software is partially developed by SimCentric, a military simulation training supplier, which previously received a £300,000 bonus from the UK Defense and Security Accelerator. The solution is developed based on the Unreal game engine and supports up to 30 soldiers for synchronous training.

At present, this set of hardware based on Samsung Odyssey headset (Microsoft WMR series) has not been customized, such as mandatory training, so the focus is on the content training platform, which is more about delivering a realistic sense of presence to soldiers through simulated scenes. Professor Dame Angela McLean, chief scientific adviser to the UK Ministry of Defense, once said: We are committed to helping soldiers cope with existing and unknown challenges in an innovative way, and training through games and other technologies is one of the new training methods.

Israel VR terror simulation training

Participants: Microsoft, Israeli Army

Features: Simulate soldiers' combat capabilities in dark environments

At the same time, the Israeli Army also tried to simulate underground tunnels and other scenes through VR technology. This training took advantage of the highly immersive nature of VR (Virtual reality)technology.

It is reported that the training system has highly restored the tunnel scene, with high-definition and realistic scenes, including underground water holes and the sound of water drops. In the virtual scene, soldiers need to clear explosives in the tunnel, and at the same time, it can improve the soldiers' ability to distinguish directions in dark environments. In terms of application scenarios, the system is suitable for simulation training in various complex environments, dangerous environments, and long-distance conditions.

Ukrainian AR tank combat system

Participants: LimpidArmor

Features: Simulates the combat capabilities of soldiers in dark environments

The Ukrainian armored forces are also trying to use AR technology to assist in combat. It is understood that the Ukrainian local company LimpidArmor has developed a military helmet combined with HoloLens and a complete software system.

It is learned that the project is developed specifically for armored forces. It is reported that due to the poor environmental perception of tanks and armored soldiers, the field of vision is usually limited. After combining with AR helmets, armored soldiers can observe the enemy and our own forces through AR without opening the hatch inside the tank. This function, combined with DAS system data, including tank integrated optical or thermal imaging sensor data, can provide armored soldiers with 360-degree full-scene "watching" capabilities, and even command combat capabilities.

Australian AR Naval Combat System

Participants: Microsoft, SAAB, Australian Navy

Features: Visual combat command system

Also based on HoloLens, the Australian Navy attempts to use AR technology to assist in combat, including viewing 3D visual combat systems, which can clearly see real-time sea, land and air combat tools.

It is reported that the biggest highlight of the system is the combination of SAAB's advanced naval defense system and the superimposed display in the form of MR. In the future, it will also be combined with tactical display UI, similar to the 3D holographic method, to make the overall combat system clearer and more specific.

Airbus Holographic Tactical Sandbox Combat System

Participants: Airbus

Features: Holographic display, decision-making assistance

Similar to SAAB's AR naval tactical command solution, Airbus Defense and Aerospace also has a Holographic Tactical Sandbox system based on HoloLens. This application is actually an AR version of the tactical sandbox, which is based on the Airbus Fortion TacticalC2 military application, making mission reports or exercises more interactive, convenient and intuitive, and also used to assist decision-making.

Airbus said: Compared with traditional tactical sandboxes, AR sandboxes are more in line with the needs of the new era military. At the same time, its interactive method is familiar enough, and it can accelerate military preparations. It also supports remote collaborative mission preparations and enhances soldiers' perception of the battlefield. Using HoloLens' gesture recognition technology, you can interact with the holographic map through actions such as rotation, marking, and manipulation, and view the terrain from various angles to find out the terrain advantages in advance before going to the battlefield.

Sniper rifle assisted aiming system

Participants: ThirdEye, US Department of Defense

Features: Assisted aiming, real-time display of customs, altitude, distance and other information

ThirdEye, a smart glasses supplier, has developed a gun assisted aiming system for the military: PAWS. Its feature is that an additional set of electronic accessories is installed on the gun sight, and then AR glasses can display real-time detailed information for soldiers: wind speed, altitude, weather conditions, enemy distance and so on.

In other words, PAWS can be regarded as an electronic sight. In addition to the conventional information display function, it also supports real-time presentation in the form of AR, greatly improving combat efficiency.

Electromagnetic recoil heavy machine gun simulation system

Participants: ThirdEye, US Department of Defense

Features: can simulate recoil, low cost

For those who use heavy machine guns, it is often difficult to find a suitable virtual training scene. In addition to providing VR simulation firearms equipment, HapTech has also developed a set of VR heavy machine gun simulation training scenes.

The equipment is based on a Browning M2 heavy machine gun, and a VR training system that can simulate the recoil of a heavy machine gun has been developed based on electromagnetic feedback and pneumatic devices. It is reported that this solution is mainly suitable for soldier training or game entertainment scenarios, and its characteristics are low cost and easier maintenance.

On the other hand, many consumer-grade products are actually suitable for military applications. For example, in VR, "Boneworks" adds a lot of physical simulation effects, which can provide extremely realistic scene interactions and fighting effects; there are even interactive peripherals for game scenes, such as Eight360, which can simulate various accelerations and is also suitable for some military scenes. In addition to the above existing cases, there are many military AR/VR projects that have not yet been made public, such as Anduril, a new company of Oculus co-founder Palmer Luckey, which specializes in developing related projects for national defense systems and revealed that it will develop a combat assistance system combined with AR/VR. Even Facebook is recruiting soldiers as AR/VR engineers, and its intention is very obvious. It can be seen that this field has great development potential and market space.

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